This is our final week at University in the studio with our tutors before our submission date. It is also the day of our final presentations to our peers and tutors, of which contribute to 30% of our final modular grade. It is important to clearly communicate and pitch my project. I prepared my presentation a week prior and practiced the pitch a few times. When it came to my turn to present, I chose to include interaction with my audience to keep everyone engaged. I did this by bring an Amazon Echo with me and using two of my peers to test it in front of everyone. This seem to be successful and everyone was pleased with the outcome.
I was pleased with my feedback from both my tutors and peers as they complimented me on a precise and professional presentation. As I took two products with me, the Pepsi and Heinz, with both their redesigned labels, I presented these to my tutors, as well as using them as a prop during the demonstrating element of my presentation. The only other feedback receive from the tutors was the use of the codes on the labels as they were unsure of their readability.
Due to this feedback, I was able to develop the code design. I decided to make the codes more readable amongst the branding and designs already used, I would use a white block that included the code in black, with the Smart Cycle logo featured next to it for clear indication of the codes use. As I have already created my code regulations and printed them, I chose to still follow the basic rules of positioning, size and colour. The only changes and additions being the white block and logo icon.