I took Alexa into University this week in order to test the skill on some of my peers as they fall into my target audience age range. The feedback and response received from this testing section were positive and allowed for feedback. My peers said this skill is useful and has a full potential to improve the recycling system as they felt it was straight forward to use and would benefit their recycling habits. The feedback I received was to provide Alexa with a response should you pause when asked for the unique code. This was useful feedback and I have decided to add a section where Alexa will tell the user where the code is commonly placed, should they pause in attempt of finding this.
The app has been designed to provide users with information to help track their cash back rewards that can be collected in stores when returning their recyclable products, as advised by Alexa. This can be done by scanning the returns receipt, where the app will keep track of the money collected. Once they reach £2, they are able to convert this into vouchers for their chosen store. The drop off section provides them with which local stores are taking part and where the reward scheme is available. As well as this, the Smart Cycle game is featured here to make the app more fun. In addition, and only available on the app, they can also play the symbols game, similar to the survey I created for my research. They will be able to select whether or not they believe the symbols means recyclable or not.
I have created my synopsis using A5 white card with my hero image featured on one side and the other side featuring a portrait of myself with an in-depth explanation of my final project and outcomes. I have taken this opportunity to promote the project and provide a full understanding of its purpose.