The Fish Bowl
This brief was to refresh the Fish Bowl brand identity to reflect and develop the friendly, family run business and their love for all animals, not just fish. To keep consistency and develop the stores potential, I proposed materials that would benefit the store and reach their target audience.
Including staff being required to wear branded uniform when representing the store. As well as, reusable tote bags that would be available for customers in store.
The brand will continue to be used across all materials relating to the store. Business cards will be handed out to distribute the stores key information. Loyalty cards will also be available to customers to enjoy benefits when shopping at The Fish Bowl.
The website will provide sections for specific pets, including Dogs, Cats, Birds, Aquariums, Small animals and Reptiles. Key information such as opening times, contact number and about the store will be featured for all customers to easily access.
In order to draw customers towards the store, the bright and colourful palette will be used across the store front windows and will display information using the brands tone of voice. The sketched line graphic element, will flow across each window to follow the stores journey as it wraps around 2 corners.