
Week Three – 8th October 2019

Today I presented my ideas to my provided group, including other peers wishing to create solutions for conscious consumption and platform for joy. This is a useful group to be included within as they understand my research process and can contribute towards my approach by advising and informing me on other research areas that may relate to my idea. I included on slide 2, an interactive activity with my group to see how well people know some recycling symbols. Unfortunately, the symbols used for recycling are unclear and most people therefore get confused about what they are supposed to do. I received feedback from both my tutor and peers which was very useful in progressing in the right direction. I have been asked to refine my target audience as they are currently unsure. As my final outcome is not yet cemented, this is something I need to decide alongside the direction of my idea. My ideas are now being refined.

Presentation Slides

Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Slide 5
Slide 6
Slide 7
Slide 8
Slide 9

Week Two – 1st October 2019

As seen below, I have created a mind map in order to breakdown all the ideas and solutions I have thought of thus far. I have thought about the main aims, outcomes, research, target audience, etc. This mind map helped me to visualise my ideas and come up with a proposal to put forward to my tutors in order for them to gain further insight and understanding to my potential solution. We were also asked to carry out an exercise with a partner. This partner being a peer whom you feel you know least. We were asked to create wallet or handbag to represent and follow the individuals wants and needs. As I was working with a male peer, I created a wallet and was challenged with listening to my client and adapt for his needs. This exercise allowed me to develop the concept of adaptation to designs and working around the clients requirements which working with form and function together. 

Mind Map

Personal Idea Mind Map


Three finalised wallet concepts
Notes of peers asked requirements, size and material

Research Collages

Week One – 24th September 2019

We began the day by having an introduction to the module, it’s aims and outcomes. We then ran through the briefs for further explanation and group discussions. Following this was an exploration of the briefs, placing us in groups where we picked a brief based on our shared area of interested and asked ourselves the questions of what’s the issue? What is the problem? How do we solve the issue/problem? Below are some of the works produced within my group, looking at conscious consumption as we all felt strongly about this topic. The other attached visuals are example of attempted solutions for conscious consumption – recycling specifically as I mostly have an interested in this area of the topic. This includes campaigns created to cause awareness of the affects that not contributing to recycling can have on our planet.

Questions that need answering

Wha’t are the problems to do with conscious consumption?
How do we solve these issues?

Research Collages